Wetenschappelijk bewijs
De bewijskracht van wetenschappelijk onderzoek
De kwaliteit van wetenschappelijk onderzoek, oftewel het wetenschappelijk bewijs dat door een bepaald onderzoek wordt geleverd, is met name afhankelijk van de gekozen onderzoeksmethode. Het niveau van bewijskracht (level of evidence), kan simpel en overzichtelijk worden weergegeven in de zogenaamde evidentiepiramide, waarbij de bewijskracht van de onderzoeksmethoden van boven naar beneden afneemt.
Zo staan systematische reviews (meta-analyses) en gerandomiseerd vergelijkend onderzoek (RCT’s) van goede kwaliteit bovenaan de evidentiepiramide. De middenmoot wordt gevormd door gerandomiseerd vergelijkend onderzoek van matige kwaliteit, de laag hieronder door niet-vergelijkend onderzoek, en onderaan de evidentiepiramide staan de meningen van deskundigen.
Over het algemeen komen concurrenten en/of leveranciers van zout waterontharders met uitspraken (lees: meningen) van “deskundigen”.
Bovenstaande laat zien dat deze “meningen” qua bewijsvoering en waardeoordeel slechts onderaan de piramide staan……….
Voor alle sceptici, magneet shamers , en met name de bovengenoemde “deskundigen” (al dan niet ingefluisterd door leveranciers van conventionele zout waterontharders) volgt hier desalniettemin een greep uit de verschenen literatuur en daarmee het wetenschappelijk bewijs over het fenomeen dat al meer dan een eeuw bekend is:
Magneten doen iets met KALKAANSLAG…..en dat is te meten. Auteur: Ir. Arjen Dijkgraaf Uitgave: Poly Technisch tijdschrift maart 1996
Vorzuge der magnetischen Wasserbehandlung Auteur: Dr. Klaus J. Kronenberg Uitgave: Raum & Zeit nr. 33 1988
Het mysterie over de magnetische waterbehandeling opgelost? Auteur: Dr. J. Kronenberg Uitgave: Verwarming & Ventilatie mei 1989
Erfahrungsheilkunde Auteur : N.B. Uitgave: Erfahrungsheilkunde 7/1990
Start wetenschappelijk onderzoek FAK-apparatuur in Nederland Auteur: Ing. E. During Uitgave: KrachtKroniek sept. 1995
Anti-scale Magnetic Treatment Auteurs: J.S. Baker / S.A. Parsons Uitgave: Water and Waste Treatment ,39, 36-38 1996
Magnetic treatment – scale effect – pH control Auteurs: S.A. Parsons / B.L. Wang / S.J. Judd / T. Stepherson Uitgave: Wat.Res., 31 339-342 1997
Mitigation of Heater Exchanger Scaling by Magnetic Treatment Devices Auteurs: D.I. Wilson / S.A. Parsons Uitgave: 5th UK National Heat Transfer Conference 1997
The Effect of Magnetic Fields on the Precipitation of Calcium Carbonate Auteurs: R. A-Barrett / S.A. Parsons / P. Hillis / P.P. Coetzee Uitgave: WISA ’98, Cape Town mei 1998
125 jaar fysische waterbehandeling Auteur: Dr. Dietman Ende, M. Anders Uitgave: InTech feb 1999
Werking van FAK-apparatuur Auteur: Dr. G. IJpelaar Uitgave: H2O 4/1999 Alleman, J. 1985.
Quantitative Assessment of the Effectiveness of Permanent Magnet Water Conditioning Devices. Purdue University. Sponsored by and protocol by Water Quality Association.
Van Hall Larenstein Part of University of Wageningen / 2007 Conclusie: Door toepassing van het systeem slaat de kalk gedeeltelijk in kleine deeltjes neer en wordt vervolgens door het stromende water afgevoerd. In stilstaand water vormt de kalk vrijwel geen harde ketelsteen meer, maar een aanzienlijk zachter residu dat gemakkelijk met een poetslap of borstel kan worden verwijderd. In feite fungeert dit apparaat als een kalkconditionering bij de toevoer van de waterleiding. De mineralen die voor de kalkaanslag zorgen zoals calciumcarbonaat, calcium sulfaat, magnesiumhydroxide, calciumfosfaat en silicaten worden door deze magnetische behandeling niet verwijderd maar in zwevende oplossing gehouden. Dat wil zeggen ze slaan niet hardkristallijn neer. In feite treedt er een wijziging van de kristalstructuur op. Samengevat: in de metingen is gebleken dat in het watersysteem dat met deze installatie is behandeld andere kristallen ontstaan dan in de niet behandelde installatie.
Als gedurende de 4 maanden van metingen wel kalkneerslag ontstond in beide installaties was dit bij dit systeem eenvoudiger te verwijderen dan in de niet behandelde installatie.
Nog een greep uit de zeer vele publicaties:
American Petroleum Institute. 1985. Evaluation of the Principles of Magnetic Water Treatment, Publication 960.
Alimi, F et all, Influence of magnetic field on calcium carbonate precipitation, Desalination 206 (2007) 164‐168
Bruns, S. A., V. I. Klassen, and A. K. Konshina. 1966. Change in the extinction of light by water after treatment in a magnetic field. Kolloidn. Zh. 28: 153-155.
Botello‐Zubiate, M.E. et all, Influence of magnetic water treatment on the calcium carbonate formation and the electrochemical corrosion behavior of carbon steel., J.All.Comp 369, (2004) 265‐269
Busch, K. W., M. A. Busch, D. H. Parker, R. E. Darling, and J. L. McAtee, Jr. 1986. “Studies of a Water Treatment Device That Uses Magnetic Fields,” In Proceedings Corrosion/85, Boston MA.
Lundager Madsen, H.E., Influence of magnetic field on the precipitation of some inorganic salts. J.Chr.Growth, 152, (1995) 94‐100
M e.a. On reduction in the surface tension of water duet o magnetic treatment, Coll.Surf.A 278 (2005) 252‐255
Kney,AD and S.A. Parsons, A spectrofotometer‐based study of magnetic water treatment: Assessment of ionic vs. surface mechanisms., Wat.Res., 40 (2006) 517‐524
Fathi,a. et all, Effect of a magnetic treatment on homogeneous and heterogeneous precipitation of calcium carbonate, Wat.Res., 40 (2006) 1941‐1950
Alimi, F et all, Influence of magnetic field on calcium carbonate precipitation, Desalination 206 (2007) 164‐168
Busch, K. W., M. A. Busch, R. E. Darling, S. Maggard, and S. W. Kubala. 1997. Design of a test loop for the evaluation of magnetic water treatment devices. Process Safety and Environmental Protection. Transactions of the Institution of Chemical Engineers 75 (Part B): 105-114.
Chechel, P. S., and G. V. Annenkova. 1972. Influence of magnetic treatment on solubility of calcium sulphate. Coke Chem. USSR. 8: 60-61.
Daly, J. 1995. Miracle cure. Motor Boating and Sailing. October, p. 36.
Dirks, J.A., and L.E. Wrench. 1993. “Facility Energy Decision Screening (FEDS) Software System.” PNL-SA-22780. In Proceedings of the Energy and Environmental Congress. Minneapolis, Minnesota, August 4-5, 1993.
Donaldson, J. D. 1988. Magnetic treatment of fluids — preventing scale. Finishing. 12: 22-32.
Duffy, E. A. 1977. Investigation of Magnetic Water Treatment Devices. Ph.D. dissertation, Clemson University, Clemson, S.C.
Fathi,a. et all, Effect of a magnetic treatment on homogeneous and heterogeneous precipitation of calcium carbonate, Wat.Res., 40 (2006) 1941‐1950
Fryer, L. 1995. “Magnetic Water Treatment A Coming Attraction?” E-Source, TU-95-7
Gruber and Carda. 1981. Performance Analysis of Permanent Magnet Type Water Treatment Devices. South Dakota School of Mines and Technology. Sponsored by and protocol by Water Quality Association.
Gehr, R., Z. A. Zhai, J. A. Finch, and S. R. Rao. 1995. Reduction of soluble mineral concentrations in CaSO4 saturated water using a magnetic field. Wat. Res. 29 (3): 933-940.
Gabrielle, C et all, Magnetic water treatment for scale prevention, Wat.Res., 35, (2001) 3240‐3259
Harrison, J. 1993. WQA Glossary of Terms. Water Quality Association. Lisle, Ill.
Hasson, D., and D. Bramson. 1985. Effectiveness of magnetic water treatment in suppressing CaCO3 scale deposition. Ind. Eng. Chem. Process Des. Dev. 24: 588-592.
Hibben, S.G. 1973. Magnetic Treatment of Water. Advanced Research Projects Agency of the Department of Defense.
Higashitani, K., and J. Oshitani. 1997. Measurements of magnetic effects on electrolyte solutions by atomic force microscope. Process Safety and Environmental Protection. Transactions of the Institution of Chemical Engineers 75 (Part B): 115-119.
Joshi, K. M., and P. V. Kamat. 1966. Effect of magnetic field on the physical properties of water. J. Ind. Chem. Soc. 43: 620-622.
Klassen, V. I. 1981. Magnetic treatment of water in mineral processing. In Developments in Mineral Processing, Part B, Mineral Processing. Elsevier, N.Y., pp. 1077-1097.
Kney,AD and S.A. Parsons, A spectrofotometer‐based study of magnetic water treatment: Assessment of ionic vs. surface mechanisms., Wat.Res., 40 (2006) 517‐524
Kronenberg, K. J. 1985. Experimental evidence for effects of magnetic fields on moving water. IEEE Trans. on Magnetics, vol. Mag-21, no. 5: 2059-2061.
Krylov, O. T., I. K. Vikulova, V. V. Eletskii, N. A. Rozno, and V. I. Klassen. 1985. Influence of magnetic treatment on the electro-kinetic potential of a suspension of CaCO3. Colloid J. USSR 47: 820-824.
Liburkin, V. G., B. S. Kondratev, and T. S. Pavlyukova. 1986. Action of magnetic treatment of water on the structure formation of gypsum. Glass and Ceramics (English translation of Steklo I Keramika) 1: 101-105.
Lin, I., and Y. Yotvat. 1989. Electro-magnetic treatment of drinking and irrigation water. Water and Irrigation Rev. 8:16-18.
Lipus, L., J. Krope, and L. Garbai. 1994. Magnetic water treatment for scale prevention. Hungarian J. Ind. Chem. 22: 239-242.
Lundager Madsen, H.E., Influence of magnetic field on the precipitation of some inorganic salts. J.Chr.Growth, 152, (1995) 94‐100
Marshall, S. V,. and G. G. Skitek 1987. Electromagnetic Concepts and Applications. 2nd ed. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Marth, R.A. 1997. A Scientific Definition of the Magnetic Treatment of Water: Its Subsequent Use in Preventing Scale Formation and Removing Scale. Research Conducted for Descal-A-Matic Corporation.
Martynova, O. I., E. F. Tebenekhin, and B. T. Gusev. 1967. Conditions and mechanism of deposition of the solid calcium carbonate phase from aqeuous [sic] solutions under the influence of a magnetic field. Colloid J. USSR 29: 512-514.
M e.a. On reduction in the surface tension of water duet o magnetic treatment, Coll.Surf.A 278 (2005) 252‐255
Mirumyants, S. O., E. A. Vandyukov, and R. S. Tukhvatullin. 1972. The effect of a constant magnetic field on the infrared absorption spectrum of liquid water. Russ. J. Phys. Chem. 46: 124.
Parsons, S. A., S. J. Judd, T. Stephenson, S. Udol, and B.-L. Wang. 1997. Magnetically augmented water treatment. Process Safety and Environmental Protection. Transactions of the Institution of Chemical Engineers 75 (Part B): 98-104.
Parsons, S.A., Bao-Lung Wang, S.J. Judd, and T. Stephenson. 1997. “Magnetic Treatment of Calcium Carbonate Scale — Effect of pH Control.” Water Research, 31(2): 339-342.
Quinn, C.J., T.C. Molden, and C.W. Sanderson. 1996. “Nonchemical Approach to Hard Water Scale, Corrosion and White Rust Control.” In Proceedings Iron and Steel Engineer, Chicago IL, September 30, 1996.
Raisen, E. 1984. The control of scale and corrosion in water systems using magnetic fields. Corrosion 84. Conference proceedings, Nat. Assoc. of Corrosion Engineers, Houston, paper no. 117.
Reimers, R.S., P. S. DeKernion, and D. B. Leftwich. 1979. “Sonics and Electrostatics – An Innovative Approach to Water and Waste Treatment.” In Proceedings Water Reuse Symposium, Volume 2. American Water Works.Research Association Research Evaluation, Denver, CO.
Rubin, A.J. 1973. To Determine if Magnetic Water Treatment is Effective in Preventing Scale. The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.
Singley, J. E. 1984. Municipal water treatment. In Kirk-Othmer Encyl. of Chemical Technology. 3rd ed. Edited by Martin Grayson. New York: John Wiley and Sons. Vol. 24, pp. 385-406.
Schmutzer, M. A., and G. W. Hull. 1969. Examination to Determine the Physical or Chemical Differences Between Untreated and Magnetically Treated Water. United States Testing Center, Inc. Hoboken, NJ.
Simpson. L. G. 1980. “Control Scale and Save Energy.” The Coast Guard Engineer’s Digest, Volume 20, Number 205, pp. 32-35.
Spear, M. 1992. The growing attraction of magnetic treatment. Process Engineering. May, p. 143.
Welder, B. Q., and E. P. Partridge. 1954. Practical performance of water-conditioning gadgets. Ind. Eng. Chem. 46: 954-960.
Wilkes, J. F., and R. Baum. 1979. Water conditioning devices — an update. Int. Water Conf.: 40th Annual Meeting, paper no. IWC-79-20.
Yarows, S. A., W. E. Fusilier, and A. B. Weder. 1997. Sodium concentration of water from softeners. Arch. Intern. Med. 157: 218-222.
Lundager Madsen, H.E., Influence of magnetic field on the precipitation of some inorganic salts. J.Chr.Growth, 152, (1995) 94‐100
Alimi, F et all, Influence of magnetic field on calcium carbonate precipitation, Desalination 206 (2007) 164‐168
Botello‐Zubiate, M.E. et all, Influence of magnetic water treatment on the calcium carbonate formation and the electrochemical corrosion behavior of carbon steel., J.All.Comp 369, (2004) 265‐269
Fathi,a. et all, Effect of a magnetic treatment on homogeneous and heterogeneous precipitation of calcium carbonate, Wat.Res., 40 (2006) 1941‐1950
Gabrielle, C et all, Magnetic water treatment for scale prevention, Wat.Res., 35, (2001)3240‐3259
Kney,AD and S.A. Parsons, A spectrofotometer‐based study of magnetic water treatment: Assessment of ionic vs. surface mechanisms., Wat.Res., 40 (2006) 517‐524
Armiri.M e.a. On reduction in the surface tension of water duet o magnetic treatment, Coll.Surf.A 278 (2005) 252‐255
Kobe, S e.a. The influence of the magnetic field on the crystalllisation form of calcium carbonate and the testing of a magnetic water treatment system., J.M.M.Mat. 236, (2001), 71‐76
Rebecca A Barrett, Simon A Parsons The influence of magnetic fields on calcium carbonate precipitationOriginal Research ArticleWater Research, Volume 32, Issue 3, 1 March 1998, Pages 609-612
Wirtschaftsjournal für Sanitär und Heizung Nr. 11 (1995) Seite 54. Elektrostatische Wasserbehandlung. “Das ,Wie’ scheint geklärt, das ,Warum’ noch nicht”.
K. Olbrich und R. Wögerbauer: Haustechnische Rundschau 4/93 ” Und sie funktioniert doch”. (Mit Literaturangaben).
R. Wögerbauer: Sanitär-Heizung- und Klimatechnik, sbz (1993) “. “Elektrostatische Wasserbehandlung “Wirksam gegen Kalk und Rost” www.ikz.de/art_2495/9524048.htm
Veel meer uitgebreid is de Engelse literatuur over het effect van magnetische velden op kalkaanslag in water: “Influence of magnetic field on the aragonite precipitation”
L.C. Lipusa, , and D. Dobersekba Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maribor, Smetanova 17, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, Smetanova 17, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia
Bruns, S. A., V. I. Klassen, and A. K. Konshina. 1966. Change in the extinction of light by water after treatment in a magnetic field. Kolloidn. Zh. 28: 153-155.
Busch, K. W., M. A. Busch, D. H. Parker, R. E. Darling, and J. L. McAtee, Jr. 1986. Studies of a water treatment device that uses magnetic fields. Corrosion 42 (4): 211-221.
Busch, K. W., M. A. Busch, R. E. Darling, S. Maggard, and S. W. Kubala. 1997. Design of a test loop for the evaluation of magnetic water treatment devices. Process Safety and Environmental Protection. Transactions of the Institution of Chemical Engineers 75 (Part B): 105-114.
Chechel, P. S., and G. V. Annenkova. 1972. Influence of magnetic treatment on solubility of calcium sulphate. Coke Chem. USSR. 8: 60-61.
Daly, J. 1995. Miracle cure. Motor Boating and Sailing. October, p. 36.
Denver, E., executive ed. 1996. Magnets that don’t do much to soften water. Consumer Reports. February, p. 8.
Donaldson, J. D. 1988. Magnetic treatment of fluids — preventing scale.” Finishing. 12: 22-32.
Duffy, E. A. 1977. Investigation of Magnetic Water Treatment Devices. Ph.D. dissertation, Clemson University, Clemson, S.C.
Gehr, R., Z. A. Zhai, J. A. Finch, and S. R. Rao. 1995. Reduction of soluble mineral concentrations in CaSO4 saturated water using a magnetic field. Wat. Res. 29 (3): 933-940.
Harrison, J. 1993. WQA Glossary of Terms. Water Quality Association. Lisle, Ill.
Hasson, D., and D. Bramson. 1985. Effectiveness of magnetic water treatment in suppressing CaCO3 scale deposition. Ind. Eng. Chem. Process Des. Dev. 24: 588-592.
Higashitani, K., and J. Oshitani. 1997. Measurements of magnetic effects on electrolyte solutions by atomic force microscope. Process Safety and Environmental Protection. Transactions of the Institution of Chemical Engineers 75 (Part B): 115-119.
Joshi, K. M., and P. V. Kamat. 1966. Effect of magnetic field on the physical properties of water. J. Ind. Chem. Soc. 43: 620-622.
Klassen, V. I. 1981. Magnetic treatment of water in mineral processing. In Developments in Mineral Processing, Part B, Mineral Processing. Elsevier, N.Y., pp. 1077-1097.
Kronenberg, K. J. 1985. Experimental evidence for effects of magnetic fields on moving water. IEEE Trans. on Magnetics, vol. Mag-21, no. 5: 2059-2061.
Krylov, O. T., I. K. Vikulova, V. V. Eletskii, N. A. Rozno, and V. I. Klassen. 1985. Influence of magnetic treatment on the electro-kinetic potential of a suspension of CaCO3. Colloid J. USSR 47: 820-824.
Liburkin, V. G., B. S. Kondratev, and T. S. Pavlyukova. 1986. Action of magnetic treatment of water on the structure formation of gypsum. Glass and Ceramics (English translation of Steklo I Keramika) 1: 101-105.
Lin, I., and Y. Yotvat. 1989. Electro-magnetic treatment of drinking and irrigation water. Water and Irrigation Rev. 8:16-18.
Lipus, L., J. Krope, and L. Garbai. 1994. Magnetic water treatment for scale prevention. Hungarian J. Ind. Chem. 22: 239-242.
Marshall, S. V,. and G. G. Skitek 1987. Electromagnetic Concepts and Applications. 2nd ed. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Martynova, O. I., E. F. Tebenekhin, and B. T. Gusev. 1967. Conditions and mechanism of deposition of the solid calcium carbonate phase from aqeuous [sic] solutions under the influence of a magnetic field. Colloid J. USSR 29: 512-514.
McNeely, M. 1994. Magnetic fuel treatment system designed to attack fuel-borne microbes. Diesel Progress Engines and Drives. November, p. 16.
Mirumyants, S. O., E. A. Vandyukov, and R. S. Tukhvatullin. 1972. The effect of a constant magnetic field on the infrared absorption spectrum of liquid water. Russ. J. Phys. Chem. 46: 124.
Parsons, S. A., S. J. Judd, T. Stephenson, S. Udol, and B.-L. Wang. 1997. Magnetically augmented water treatment. Process Safety and Environmental Protection. Transactions of the Institution of Chemical Engineers 75 (Part B): 98-104.
Raisen, E. 1984. The control of scale and corrosion in water systems using magnetic fields. Corrosion 84. Conference proceedings, Nat. Assoc. of Corrosion Engineers, Houston, paper no. 117.
Singley, J. E. 1984. Municipal water treatment. In Kirk-Othmer Encyl. of Chemical Technology. 3rd ed. Edited by Martin Grayson. New York: John Wiley and Sons. Vol. 24, pp. 385-406.
Skripka, N. I., A. A. Litvinov, and I. G. Tretyakov. 1975. Influence of operational factors on oxidizability of liquid hydrocarbons. Operational Properties of Fuels, Lubricants and Technical Liquids Used in Civil Aviation [Kiev] 1: 11-14. [In Russian.]
Spear, M. 1992. The growing attraction of magnetic treatment. Process Engineering. May, p. 143.
Tretyakov, I. G., M. A., Rybak, and E. Yu. Stepanenko. 1985. Method of monitoring the effectiveness of magnetic treatment for liquid hydrocarbons. Sov. Surf. Eng. Appl. Electrochem. 6: 80-83.
Tretyakov, I. G., E. S. Denisov, and A. N. Solovev. 1975. Effects of magnetic field treatment on electrophysical properties of aviation fuels. Operational Properties of Fuels, Lubricants and Technical Liquids Used in Civil Aviation [Kiev] 1: 41-42. [In Russian.]
Welder, B. Q., and E. P. Partridge. 1954. Practical performance of water-conditioning gadgets. Ind. Eng. Chem. 46: 954-960.
Wilkes, J. F., and R. Baum. 1979. Water conditioning devices — an update. Int. Water Conf.: 40th Annual Meeting, paper no. IWC-79-20.
Wang.Y e al: Magnetic water treatment for scale prevention. Was. Res, 3249 – 3259 – 2001
WQA Magnetics Task Force Report. The Water Quality Association, März 2001
Andere onderzoekers die het effect van magnetische velden op water hebben bestudeerd:
A.F. Porter, U.S. Patent No. 50,774, October 31, 1865.
J.C.Cowanand D.J. Weintritt, Water-Formed Scale Deposits, Gulf, Houston, 1976.
A.T.Hay, U.S. Patent No. 140,196, June 24, 1873.
C.E. Gruber and D.D. Carda, Performance analysis of permanent magnet type water treatment devices,
Final Report issued to the Water Quality Association, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, 1981.
K.W. Busch, M.A. Busch, J.L. McAtee, Jr., R.E. Darling, and D.H. Parker, Evaluation of the Principles of Magnetic Water Treatment, American
Petroleum Institute Publication 960, Washington,DC, 1985.
V.G. Levich, Soviet Physics, USPEKHI, 9 (1966) 316.
R. Eliassen, R.T. Skrinde, and W.B. Davis, J. Am.
Water Works Assoc., 50 (1958) 1371.
J.E. Alleman, Quantitative Assessment of the Effectiveness of Permanent Magnetic Water
Conditioning Devices, Final Report issued to the Water Quality Association, Purdue University, 1985.
G.J.C. Limpert and J.L. Raber, Tests of NonChemical ScaleControl Devices in a Once-Through
System,”CORROSION/85,National Association of Corrosion Engineers, Boston, Massachusetts, Paper
No. 250, 1985.
D. Hasson and D. Bramson, Ind. Eng. Chem. Process Des. Dev., 24 (1985) 588. O. S6hnel and J. Mullin, Chem. Ind. (London), (1988) 356.
J.F. Grutsch and J.W. McClintock, Controlling Scale by Magnetic Treatment, Report submitted to the American Petroleum Institute, Committee on
Refinery Environmental Conservation, American
Petroleum Institute, Washington, DC, 1982.
K. W. Busch, M.A. Busch~Desalination 109 (1997) 131-148 147
J.F.Grutsch and J.W. McClintock, Deposit Control in Alkaline Cooling Water Using Magnetic Water
Treatment at Amoco’s Largest Refinery, CORROSION/84, National Association of Corro-sion Engineers, Houston, TX, Paper 330, 1984.
R.J. Szostak and D.A. Toy, Chem. Processing, (1985) 44.
J. Laureys, J. Van Muylder, and M. Pourbaix, Corr. Technol., 2(1) (1955) 1. J. Laureys, J. Van Muylder, and M. Pourbaix, Note sur l’efficacit6 d’un appareil de traitement magnetique des eaus, Technical Report 24, Centre
Beige d’Etude de la Corrosion (CEBELCOR), 1955. J. Laureys and M. Pourbaix,
Etude de procedes physiques antiincrustants, Technical Report 56, Centre Belge d’Etude de la Corrosion (CEBELCOR), 1957.
K.W. Busch and M.A. Busch, Laboratory Studies on Magnetic Water Treatment and Their
Relationship to a Possible Mechanism for Scale Reduction, Cranfield University, England, March 14, 1996.
K.W. Busch, M.A. Busch, R.E. Darling, J.L. McAtee, Jr. and D.H. Parker, Magnetic WaterTreatment Devices: The Results of a University
Study, Proc. of the 45th Annual Meeting of the International Water Conference, Paper No. IWC-84- 10, Pittsburgh, PA, 1984. K.W. Busch, M.A. Busch, R.E. Darling, J.L. McAtee, Jr. and D.H. Parker, Laboratory Studies
Involving Magnetic Water Treatment Devices, CORROSION/85, National Association of Corro-sion Engineers, Boston, MA, Paper No. 251, 1985.
K.W. Busch, M.A. Busch, R.E. Darling, D.H. Parker and J.L. McAtee, Jr., Corrosion, 42 (1986) D.H. Parker, An Investigation of the Role of
Magnetic Water Treatment Devices in Calcium Carbonate Scale Formation, M.S. Thesis, BaylorUniversity, 1985.
J.A. Shercliff, A Textbook of Magnetohydrody-namics, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1965.
J.A. Shercliff, Flow-Measurement, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1962. N.C. Little, Magnetohydrodynamics, van Nostrand, Princeton, 1967.
S. Chandrasekhar, Hydrodynamic and Hydromagnetic Stability, Dover, New York, 1961. H.H. Uhlig, Corrosion and Corrosion Control, John Wiley, New York, 1963.
W.P. O’Brien, Jr., On the Use of Magnetic (and Electric and Ultrasonic) Fields for Controlling the Deposition of Scale in Water Systems: A Review of Several Papers Translated from Russian, Civil Engineering Laboratory of Port Hueneme, California, 1979.
Y.L. Novozhilov and B.S. Batalin, Izv. Vyssh. Ucheb. Zayed Stroit Arkhitekt, 11(1) 1968, 54.
V.A. Zubarev, Kolloidn. Zh., 33 (1970) 445. E.A. Duffy, Investigation of Magnetic Water Treatment Devices, Ph.D. Dissertation, CiemsonUniversity, 1977. R.E. Herzog, Q. Shi, J.N. Patil and J.L. Katz, Langmuir, 5 (1989), 861.
K.W. Busch, M.A. Busch, R.E. Darling, S. Maggard and S.W. Kubala, Trans. IChemE, in press. E. Tomb~icz,C. Ma, K.W. Busch and M.A. Busch,
Colloid Polymer Sci., 269 (1991) 278. [N.H.G. Penners and L.K. Koopal, Coll. Surfaces, 19 1986) 337. M. Ozaki, H. Suzuki, K. Takahashi and E. Matijevi6, J. Colloid Interface Sci., 113 (1986) 76.
U. Kallay and E. Matijevi6, Colloids and Surfaces,
J.J.Miles, R.W. Chantrell and M.R. Parker, J. App. Phys., 57 (1985) 4271.
E.J.W. Vervey and J.T.G. Overbeek, Theory of the Stability of Lyophobic Colloids, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1948.
J. Svoboda and J. Ofka, J. Colloid Interfac. Sci., 94 (1983) C. Ma, Investigation of the Effect of a Weak Magnetic Field on Hematite Sols, M.S. Thesis, Baylor University, 1992.
M.A. Busch, K.W. Busch, C. Ma, G. Sethuraman, and E. Tomb~icz, Influence of a Weak Magnetic Field on the Colloidal State of Several Materials in
Stationary and Flowing Systems, National Meeting of the American Chemical Society and Fourth
Chemical Congress of North America, New York City, Paper No. 160, 1991. G.D. Phillies, Anal. Chem, 62 (1990) 1049A.
S. Gopalakrishnan, An Investigation of Applied Fields on Colloidal Dispersions, Ph.D. Dissertation, Baylor University, 1993.
K.W. Busch, S. Gopalakrishnan, M.A. Busch and E. Tomb~cz,J. Colloid Interface Sci., 183 (1996) 528.
H. van Olphen, Clay Colloid Chemistry, Wiley, New York, 1963.
James M. Montgomery, Consulting Engineers, Water Treatment–Principles and Design, Wiley, New York, 1985.
A. Amirtharajah, M.M. Clark and R.R. Trussell, eds., Mixing in Coagulation and Flocculation,
Amer. Water Works Assoc. Research Foundation, Denver, 1991.
148 K. W. Busch, M.A. Busch~Desalination 109 (1997) 131-148
H.R. Kruyt, Colloid Science, Vol. 1, Elsevier, New York, 1952.
D.N. Sutherland,J. Colloid Interface Sci., 25 (1967)
S.G. Mason, J. Colloid Interface Sci., 58 (1977)
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Andere wetenschappelijke artikelen over de fysieke en impact van magnetische velden op kalkmoleculen:
Further water magnetization references from http://members.aol.com/JBainSI/References.htm
Aggregation and growth processes in thin films of magnetic fluid.
Cernak, J.; Macko, P.; Kasparkova, M. 1991 – Journal of Physics [ISSN 0022-3727], v24 p1609-15.
An effective correction to the theoretical curve of magnetobirefringence of magnetic fluid.
Yingtian Pan.; Xiande Liu.; Chongwu Du. 1992 – Journal of Applied Physics [ISSN 0021-8979], v71 p3937-9.
Antiscale magnetic pretreatment of reverse osmosis feedwater.
Baker, J.S.; Judd, S.J.; and Parsons, S.A. 1997 – Desalination [ISSN 0011-9164], v110 n1-2 p151-165.
Anti-scale Magnetic Treatment
Baker, J S. and Parsons, S A. (1996). , Water and Waste Treatment, 39, 36-38.
Application of magnetic separations in applied microbiology.
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Application-oriented characterization of Sm2Co,Fe,Cu,Zr17 permanent magnets.
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Art of scale reduction.
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Attractions of magnetic wastewater treatment.
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Basic Study on Micromechanical System Using the Magnetic Fluid.
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Benard convection in a non-linear magnetic fluid under the influence of a non-vertical magnetic field.
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Biological and biomedical aspects of magnetic fluid technology.
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Chaos: New trend magnetic fluid research.
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Control Scale and Save Energy
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Convection in a non-uniformly stratified fluid permeated by a non-uniform magnetic field.
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Deformation and Destruction of Aggregates in a Magnetic Fluid.
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Dispersity of Nickel and Its Interaction with Surfactant in Magnetic Fluid.
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Effect of high magnetic fields on the reverse electron transfer process in an a-cyclodextrin inclusion complex of phenothiazine-viologen chain-linked compound
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Effect of irrigation with magnetically treated water on the translocation of minerals in the soil.
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Effect of magnetic field on particle aggregation of a magnetic fluid in a pipe flow.
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Effect of Magnetic Fields on the Precipitation of Calcium Carbonate
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Effect of magnetic treatment on Gulf seawater.
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Effect of Vertical Magnetic Field on the Fluid Flow of Silicon Melt and on the Concentration Profile of Oxygen in the Czochralski System.
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Effective correction to the theoretical curve of magnetobirefringence of magnetic fluid.
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Effectiveness of a magnetized water oral irrigator (Hydro Floss) on plaque, calculus and gingival health.
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Hydrodynamic Resistance of Pipelines with a Magnetic Fluid Coating.
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Influence of magnetic fields on calcium carbonate precipitation
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Interaction of Superparamagnetic and Non-superparamagnetic Particles in Magnetic Fluid.
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Interfacial phenomena of magnetic fluid in moving container.
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Laboratory studies on magnetic water treatment and their relationship to a possible mechanism for scale reduction.
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Magnetic Fluid Dynamics of Blood Flow.
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Magnetic fluid flow in a two-dimensional channel.
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Magnetic microparticles in water treatment.
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Magnetic Treatment of Water
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Magnetic Water Treatment A Coming Attraction?
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Magnetically augmented water treatment
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Magneto-dielectric behaviour of concentrated magnetic fluid.
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Mitigation of Heat Exchanger Scaling by Magnetic Treatment Devices.
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Effect of oral irrigation with a magnetic water treatment device on plaque and calculus.
Watt DL, Rosenfelder C, Sutton CD 1993 J Clin Periodontol May;20(5):314-7
Daarnaast heeft o.a. de universiteit van CRANFIELD (U.K.) veel onderzoek gedaan naar de (positieve) effecten van waterbehandeling middels magneetopstellingen.
Zelfs is er een studie die aangeeft dat het beter is tegen vorming van tandplak: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5789135/